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Few Tips To Choose A Good Custom Software Company

After you have made the decision to use custom-build software, the next decision will be to choose the right company to do the job. The decision you make will ultimately determine whether your project will be a success or will result in a pricey dead end. You will find thousands of custom software developers in the market that offer the same services. If you make an incorrect choice, you could end up being a roadblock in the path of your project’s success....

January 17, 2023 · 5 min · 892 words · David Borkowski

1 000 Entrepreneurs Selected For The 2Nd Round Of The Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme

The 10-year, $100 million commitment saw over 45,000 entrepreneurs from 54 African countries apply, more than doubling the number of applications received in 2015. In a statement, founder, Tony O. Elumelu, CON, said: “In TEEP’s first year we spent over $8 million of our $100 million commitment – with $5 million going directly to entrepreneurs as seed capital — and the results have far exceeded our expectations. We have funded entrepreneurs, established networks and helped extraordinary people take control of their destinies....

January 17, 2023 · 1 min · 170 words · Crystal Hannah

10 Subscribers Get Help In Keeping New Year Resolutions With Mtn S My2015 Betterme App

The MTN My2015BetterMe application enables customers achieve more by providing access to information around healthy lifestyles, self improvement programmes, education, public holidays, prophesies for the year and security, amongst others. Using the 2015 Resolution feature on the app, MTN subscribers were encouraged at the beginning of the year to upload their 2015 resolutions. Speaking at the presentation of winners of the initiative, Bayo Adekanmbi, Chief Marketing Officer of MTN Nigeria, expressed the company’s willingness to demonstrate its values while keeping its promises to exceed customers’ expectations and set bench marks in helping them become better people....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 292 words · Hillary Tackett

4 Best Mhealth Apps In Africa

This is one of the only mobile platforms in Africa that allows their patients to do eye tests and capture a brief medical history before sending it directly to a specialist. It has been able to save time for the specialists and patients at the same time since it gives the specialist more control over which patients are referred to them, allowing them to reduce unnecessary referrals and prioritise the urgent ones....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 294 words · Michael Cabral

5 Must Have Accessories For Your Smart Phone

Protective Covers & Cases Smartphones don’t come cheap, and if you want to protect yours from accidents you need to get a protective cover or case for your phone. These cases prevent from your phones scratching and losing their shine from the daily wear and tear. They also protect your phones from major damage in case you happen to drop it accidentally. It’s not like you’ll have to let go of your phone’s sleek looks....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 424 words · Jeff Bourgeois

5 Ways To Grow Your Business On Instagram

You’re aiming to market your product and if you can do it on several platforms at the same time the better. Twitter and Facebook would be preferable as they all have large audiences. That way, any image you share on Instagram will automatically post to those profiles, and people can click to see your Instagram stream, like an image, comment on it, or follow your brand. People are very visual, if you have a good phone it is time to make use of it and take good pictures....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 218 words · Abraham Sanchez

A Way Out Of No Way And Guaranteed Freedom Of Thought

That desk job that had promised so much at the start has left you be anxious about Monday mornings and together with how many brain cells you have, left as they waste away up and die from lack of use you have boundaries that you can’t violate. This where your mind goes to when your teen and remember that’s moments, your first diary in high school, nothing to write on, all what come in your mind was to set goals....

January 17, 2023 · 3 min · 476 words · Ana Burton

African Startup To Use Artificial Intelligence Robots For News

Other websites that have used this new application is which is a Southern Afrocentric profiles and news website. This new way of creating content works in a very intriguing way where the AFCON bot creates a basic yet useful reports on final match scores, scoring players and other information about the matches. Using artificial intelligence , Godwin Chiparaushe, expressed the startup’s elation regarding the milestone. “We’re excited about this achievement....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 424 words · Theodore Ricci

Africans Acquire Tech Skills On These Platforms For Free

Google Digital Skills for Africa The Digital Skills for Africa is an online-based learning platform created, organised and operated by search engine giant, Google. On the Digital Skills for Africa program, you are taught basic and vital lessons on several digital topics ranging from the web, to social media, to e-commerce, SEO, e-advertising, and basic digital skills in general. One of the best part of Google’s Digital Skills for Africa program is that training is absolutely free and there is a certificate awarded to the trainee after successful completion of the program....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 396 words · Paul Wolfgram

Airtel Makes 350M From Sale Of Part Of Bharti Infrared

Bharti Airtel has managed to get $349.6 million out of the sale of the sale of their stakes in its Infrared branch. The sale undertaken to comply with a rule that requires listed companies to have a minimum 25 percent public shareholding. The telecommunications company initially has 79.4 percent, which was against the stock market rules which require that the company to have 25 percent which lead them to sell the majority sales....

January 17, 2023 · 1 min · 172 words · Carol Beaver

Airtel Zambia Donates Computers To School Of Disabled Persons In Zambia

Airtel Networks Zambia has donated computers worth of K20, 000 to St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf in Lufwanyama. Copperbelt Province Minister said: “Airtel has for the last few years been providing support to various schools countrywide. Today we are here in Lufwanyama to witness the donation of 4 desktop computers worth K20, 000. It goes without saying that these computers will help to improve the quality of learning for the pupils....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 258 words · Wilton Kelley

All You Need To Know About Essential Phone A Masterpiece Device Made By The Man That Created Android Os

While at the Code Conference 2017, Rubin took the stage to unleash the 5. 71 inch phone whose screen occupies the whole top, left and right corners of the phone while still managing to fit an 8MP selfie camera. Essential phone comes with a resolution of 2460 x 1312 IPS screen, 4GB RAM and a monstrous 128GB base storage. Under the hood is a snapdragon 835 and a 3040mAh battery....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 306 words · Mark Pita

Amanda Gicharu The Woman That Wears Many Hats

We hear of amazing young entrepreneurs every other day but when you know more about Amanda Gicharu, you can be sure that anything you set your mind to can work. She is the co-founder of the well-known Tech Republic Africa a startup that is primarily for African youth aged 7-19. The programme holds important subjects such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEM). If you’re a foodie, then you might remember her as the Royco Fuata flava cooking contest last year and won 1 million shillings from it....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 415 words · Teena Finlay

Apple May Release New Iphone In Different Colors

Apple could release an iPhone later this year with gray, white, blue, red, and orange color options. The colorful new phone would be a less expensive model that has facial recognition and an edge-to-edge screen, according to details from the TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo shared by 9to5Mac. The supersize iPhone X could come in another new color — gold — according to the note shared by 9to5Mac. Apple most recently released a lower-cost iPhone model with the iPhone 5c in 2013....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 276 words · Michael Hooper

Ceo Weekends Tomtom Launches Runner Cardio Gps Sport Watch With Built In Heart Rate Monitor

South Africa’s TomTom has today launched the Runner Cardio GPS sport watch with cutting-edge heart rate technology. The Runner Cardio has a built-in Heart Rate Monitor. Now you will not need a separate chest strap. The Runner Cardio makes it easy to train in the optimal heart rate zone. Runners can select one of five intensity zones to match their training goals and will receive alerts to know whether they need to speed up or slow down....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 272 words · Peggy Johnson

E Commerce Website 9Jmarket Wants To Be The Next Jumia

Initially, 9jamarket started out as a classified ads website but as it grew, it gave birth to four subdivisions. Today, 9jamarket Company has 5 main services they offer and each of these services are offered by a subdivision of the company. The services include: Platform for posting of free classified ads: Here you can advertise your product, what you do and other classified ads without having to pay anything....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 241 words · Alvin Bradburn

Expanded Markets Affordable Phones Spur Mobile Telephony Growth In Kenya

Expanded markets by service providers and availability of affordable phones are some of the factors that continue to spur mobile telephony growth in the country. This is according to the Communications Authority report of the fourth quarter for the financial year 2016/17. According to the report, the number of mobile subscriptions stood at 40.2 million, marking a 2.8 per cent growth from 39.1 million subscriptions recorded during the third quarter....

January 17, 2023 · 3 min · 458 words · Thomas Johnson

Facebook Cancels F8 Developers Conference Over Coronavirus Concerns

The event attracts thousands of developers across the globe. Last year, it attracted more than 5,000 developers, creators and entrepreneurs. The annual developer conference spotlights Facebook’s global community. The latest technology from its family of apps and the future of the tech giant. The coronavirus, since it’s uncovering in December 2019. Has infected more than 82,000 people and caused at least 2,804 deaths which prompted Facebook to cancel the event....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 347 words · Diana Nixon

Google Is Rolling Out A New Version Of Android Auto

It will start to arrive on Android phones across the world this week. So how does Android Auto work? When an Android device is paired with the head unit, the system mirrors qualified apps from the device to the vehicle’s display, with a simple, driver-friendly user interface. Apps supported on it include GPS mapping/navigation, music playback, SMS, telephone, and web search, and the system supports both touchscreen and button-controlled head unit displays....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · 406 words · Kenneth Mitchell

Hacking Will Forever Remain A Plague The Home Box Office And Instagram Hack Review

While there are numerous cases of hacking that have shook the world in the past (like the eBay Hack of 2014 that saw 145 million accounts breached, the LinkedIn 2016 Hack where 164 million accounts were hacked and it took LinkedIn 4 years to find out etc), new cases of hacking won’t cease to occur as long as the internet exist. Quite a lot of world-famous nefarious hacking and snooping activities have occurred this year but we will be taking a look at the latest victims on the receiving end of the hacking spike....

January 17, 2023 · 4 min · 738 words · Jessica Baker