1. You post awkward content

By awkward content I mean inappropriate content, content that someone looks at and you just wonder where this person came from. What kind of content would this be? Posting photos of alcohol, sex memes or just content that portrays you as unfocused and not focused. What should your content be like? Try and post things that go in line with the appropriate things you actually like. For example: post things that are you’re passionate about like music, poetry, art or even the restaurants you like going to.

2. You’re inactive

People get to know what kind of person you are by checking your social media, remember social media included LinkedIn. You need to have a social media presence in this day and age. Being active on social media just proves that you’re a tech savvy person and you’re not lagging behind from what’s actually happening. This is why some younger people are more likely to replace you if you’re older and ignoring social media.

3. You’re private

Okay, how is a manager meant to check your profile or get a sense of who you are without checking your social media? When people check your profile and they find nothing they tend to think that you are hiding something. You would rather not be on social media completely but if you are there, please do something please? Keep your account open especially if you are looking for a digital job. Take the time to keep your LinkedIn open and connect with people in your industry to make yourself look relevant as well.

4. Don’t blast companies on social media

Never blast companies on social media because this just means you can do the same thing to the potential company you can work for. Never be that person that is constantly bashing everyone and even the place you worked. This just gives the impression that you cannot be professional if you are willing to ruin a company’s reputation.

5. You’ve bought followers

Some companies may need to check your following depending on the job your applying for. So if you want to be a social media manager please have organic followers. Employers are interested in how you use social media to interact, build relationships and express your creativity—you don’t need thousands of Twitter followers to get this done. Make sure you’re using social media to connect with influencers, industry leaders, organizations and publications in your field.