Washington DC has some of the best hospitals in the US.  The city has more than 103 hospitals, and as per a survey conducted by US New health, around eighteen hospitals meet high standards. Health Information Technology has transformed the healthcare sector in many ways. It plays a vital role in providing better patient care, facilitating care coordination, improving clinical outcomes, and achieving health equity.   It also helps maintain accurate patient records that allow the physician to understand the patient’s history better. According to experts, the healthcare industry is a potential target due to the perceived vulnerabilities and massive personal data available to hackers.   The limitations of the in-house systems and financial constraints push healthcare organizations to use managed IT services Washington DC. Here are some ways in which managed IT services can help the healthcare industry.  Overcome Compliance Challenges The Healthcare sector is one of the most regulated industries in the US.  Healthcare facilities must run regular compliance audits and meet other legal obligations like security awareness training, data security, and user access management.  Managed IT services can free health managers from these responsibilities and help overcome compliance challenges.  Improved Patient Care According to a recent news report, the DC administration wants to convert the city into a therapeutic destination as a part of the economic development effort. The city has the whole ecosystem ready, including the best hotels, best hospitals, tourist attractions, monuments, and museums. DC wants to carve out a piece from the estimated $60 billion international medical tourism industry. If your healthcare unit has old and inefficient computers, it will affect patient care quality and efficiency.  Also, older systems can be unreliable and insecure to keep patient’s confidential information. The right technology can enhance engagement between patients, medical staff and help optimize internal processes.  Managed IT services can provide easy access to the most appropriate technologies to take patient care to the next level.   Workforce Mobility According to the latest data, Washington has around 114,304 commercial properties.  The office space is quite expensive in Washington DC. Depending on the location,  you may be required to pay $70 to $60 per foot. Mobile technologies present enormous opportunities in the healthcare sector.  It improves patient engagement, lowers the cost of office space, and increases employee satisfaction.  Managed IT services in Washington DC help healthcare facilities reduce space requirements by migrating the business processes to a cloud-based platform. The result is employees enjoy accessibility, while the MSP also works to keep threats at bay by employing the latest security technologies.  Scalable Infrastructure  Every business aspires to grow to its full potential. One of the challenges in growth is scalability.  The business needs effective scalability to tap growth opportunities.  In-house IT infrastructure, limited space are hindrances in scalability. A scalable healthcare unit will accommodate more patients and train more staff to deliver a higher quality of care.  Working with managed service providers allows healthcare units to build a cloud-hosted infrastructure that grows with business needs. The infrastructure houses all software and systems needed to maintain the operational efficiency of the healthcare unit.  Control on IT Costs  Managing IT infrastructure needs vast capital investment. A large part of investment goes into hardware like servers and workstations that need regular maintenance and upgrades. All these expenses can eat a large amount of revenue. Besides, if the system goes down or something goes wrong,  the cost of unscheduled time can dent into the healthcare sector’s profits. When you use managed IT services, they take the responsibility of building the necessary infrastructure.  They can create backup systems that will eliminate the chances of unscheduled downtime and also reduce maintenance costs.  Guaranteed Response Times  The Healthcare industry provides critical services, and fast response time is the main requirement. When you hire a managed IT service provider, they provide a guaranteed response time, and their customer service and technical support is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies.  Increased Efficiency  Washington DC is home to 5,322,000 people, and 23.8 million tourists visit the city every year.  The large population can put stress on medical services. Managed IT services can help healthcare units achieve operational efficiency with reduced staff. MSP can offer a single point of contact for account management, order placement, customer support, and other aspects of staffing operations.  To sum up, according to WHO, lifestyle diseases are on the rise across the world—lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Hence, the world needs an efficient health care industry to offer fast and accurate treatment. Managed IT services take the load of managing the organization’s software aspect, allowing clinical staff to focus solely on patient care.