You’re aiming to market your product and if you can do it on several platforms at the same time the better. Twitter and Facebook would be preferable as they all have large audiences. That way, any image you share on Instagram will automatically post to those profiles, and people can click to see your Instagram stream, like an image, comment on it, or follow your brand. People are very visual, if you have a good phone it is time to make use of it and take good pictures. Post good and clear photos, hire a photographer if you have to because people are quite visual and don’t forget that. Because people sort images by hashtags, you have the opportunity to reach even more new followers by using one that relates to your image. You can also find people to follow by searching relevant hashtags. Don’t leave your comments unanswered, talk to your fans ask them what they like and don’t be rude. Be professional and helpful this will help you create a relationship with your fans and will help you out later. Just like with any social media site, consistency is key. Get into a regular cadence of posting pictures so you stay in front of your audience and they know when to expect new content from you.