Social media. A business’s social presence exploded onto computer screens in the early 2000s. Now, for example, people tweet, like, share, link, chat and communicate with emojis. With roughly 2.7 billion social media users in 2019, according to Statista, and with projections that show an increase to 3.02 billion in 2021, what’s behind all the rage? For businesses, customers connect socially by tapping into a company’s digital presence. And this digital connection is a great way to increase revenue. Some business owners may have started their businesses a while ago to become their own boss or make a great product or service. Then, suddenly the business stagnates and they realize that social media is the one thing that will boost their business, but doing so isn’t free. To implement a social media strategy, you need a small business loan. There are many lenders, like Camino Financial, that want to help you thrive and grow. The funding can get your business’ information in front of hundreds and thousands of potential buyers while helping to maintain relationships for years to come.

5 Ways To Strenghten Your Social Media with a Small Business Loan

There are many ways you can invest a small business loan to have a stronger and more successful social media. We’re sharing with you some of our favourites.

1.      Hire a social media expert

Not all social media experts are created equal. And good community managers cost money. A candidate needs to be creative and able to think outside the box. They need to excel in marketing and communicating and have a proven record of achieving goals rather than concentrating exclusively on social metrics. Make sure they can explain how they intend to strategize a social media campaign based on how your business works. A business owner’s goal is to convert leads into sales and strengthen customer relationships while maintaining the same ethics they demonstrate when engaging with customers face to face.

2.      Buy ads on social media sites

Target specific viewing audiences when placing ads with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. It’s possible to put advertising dollars to work in a specific age group, gender, or religious background. Assign the social media expert the job of reviewing results to see what works.

3.      Invest in scheduling software

Buy software that publishes the latest post to all your platforms simultaneously. Other time-saving features these software has included being able to network marketing teams, analyze hashtags, and schedule content. It’s also helpful when social media schedulers list top content and can report posts that produce the most engagement.

4.      Make videos

Customers want to see how a product works and appreciate having useful and interesting information at their fingertips. Videos have a high return on investment because they increase conversions and help improve Google rankings. A video will be attractive and will instantly grab a user’s attention. Likewise, video marketing can also help explain difficult concepts by using animation to entertain and teach customers. When doing video, don’t hesitate when hiring a good producer.

5.      Hire a creative writer

Unless written content inspires customers, they click away quickly. Words that snap rather than drag keep a reader’s attention. A writer should be hyper-focused so content convinces readers how their lives will change by using the product or service.

How a Small Business Loan Gives Social Media a Voice

People don’t flock to a business’s website unless they know they exist and can learn about the product or service. Unless there’s money to invest in social media, business owners miss out on potential sales acquired through these online associations. Pete Cashmore, Founder of, expressed the importance of using every available voice to gain awareness: We’re living at a time when attention is the new currency. Those who insert themselves into as many channels as possible look set to capture the most value. On that note, why not discover how a small business loan can open up possibilities for your business that are otherwise unattainable?