It can be really hard to wrap your head around a lot of technical knowledge in one sitting. Use your power of imagination to visualize things that you are just hearing for the first time. For example, the Internet can be visualized as a city and different websites can be visualized as buildings in the city and the webpages as the different floors of a building. If you were to think about a web browser, then you can visualize it as a taxi that takes you to different websites or web pages. Planning your learning schedule and goals in advance will help you tremendously in your learning journey. Make sure to shorten your goals according to your motivational span. If you are a heavy procrastinator, then you can break down your goals into hourly goals to keep your mind in the action mode rather than in the delaying mode throughout the day. Make sure your goals, whether short term or long term, have a clear deadline, for example, complete 5th lecture by 4 pm today, or get your ceh certification by 24th August. When you explain a concept to someone, you end up breaking it down in your head and stripping it to its core. It helps you form clarity and clear any doubts. Doing this with stuff you find complicated can help you understand it at a fundamental level and master it as a teacher would. Whatever you have learnt today, revise it a few days later in order to shift it in your long-term memory from your short-term memory. You can take notes the first time you learn something, so that at the time of revision, you don’t need to go through the entire material again. Taking breaks in between your learning periods is vital for making the information stick in your memory. Just like sleep is necessary to help cement the information in areas of your brain, short breaks or rest stops throughout the day are necessary to help you recharge your willpower and refresh your brain to prepare it for the next round of study. You can also try to enhance your memory through various games, for example, did you know that playing poker can help you in this?” Organising your study materials, course folders, and study desk can instantly make you feel energized and positive. It takes only 5 minutes to declutter your desk and computer desktop. But the effect it can have on your mind is totally worth the effort. Just try it once and notice how it changes your mood. You might wonder how it translates to learning better. Well, the fact is that if you read or listen to something with a cluttered mind, then chances are that you will forget it shortly. However, if you listen to something or read something with a clear and attentive mind, then you will grasp the concept on a much deeper level. That’s all for now. Don’t forget to share these tips with your study buddies. Happy learning, you all!