For example, today we have smart traps which provide up to the minute data on pest activities. This includes things like how many pests have been caught, and how much bait is left in the trap. In addition to this, pest controllers are also using technology like drones and heat seeking devices. But what advantages does this technology offer in the fight against pests. 

How these tech devices devices benefit pest exterminators 

The biggest benefit of this technology is that it basically makes things easier for pest inspectors. For example:

1. Drones allow remote pest inspection 

A big part of pest control in London involves physically inspecting the site, Diamond Pest Control‘s Glen Stanford explains to us. The pest controller must walk the length and breadth of the area and check every inch for pests, he says. This is an extremely laborious and time consuming task, continues Glen. Depending on the size of the property, it could take hours, or even days. With drones this process can be greatly sped up. Sophisticated drones can be flown over the area, and allow the inspector to quickly scan for pests. 

2. Tech allows inspection of hard to reach places 

Drones are particularly useful in the fight against bird pests. In the past, inspection would require climbing up onto roofs. With drones this is no longer necessary. Pest inspectors can simply fly a drone over the affected area, and in that way discover what’s going on. There is no need for the inspector to risk their safety by climbing onto high places. 

3. Heat seeking devices help to quickly track down pests 

Before pests can be exterminated they first have to be located. Heat seeking devices make this job easier. All pests give off a heat signature. What this means is that getting down on your hands and knees to search for pests is no longer necessary. All the inspector has to do is point their heat seeking device. If pests are present their heat signature will quickly be detected with infrared imaging. 

4. Hard to reach places can be quickly inspected 

Pests are capable of squeezing into the tiniest corners. Quite often these include places where humans cannot physically go. A good example of this is wall cavities or down pipes. Heat seeking devices allow inspectors to penetrate beyond these barriers and discover pests. This makes the job of pest inspection faster, simpler, and more efficient. For this reason, pest control technology can be useful for London‘s commercial businesses and industry, while pest technology in hospitals and such like keep the public safe.

5. Drones allow remote extermination 

Pest control drones have the ability to disperse pesticide. This means that extermination can be done remotely without the presence of a technician. This has two benefits. One, the job can be done faster. Two, the job is far safer. There is no longer a need for the pest technician to don protective gear and spray the effective site. All that have to do is send a drone. An industry where this technology is now widely used is in farming. Gone are the days of crop dusting planes. Today, farmers simply use drones to spray their fields. Another use of pest control drones is to drop predator insects. These insects are dropped onto fields and are used to kill other destructive insects.