During a Spaces session on Sunday, the new owner of Twitter announced the change. Musk claimed last week that Apple is opposed to free expression and that the company has ceased advertising on the platform because of this. Furthermore, he asserted that the iPhone manufacturer might remove Twitter from the Apple App Store. Days after making his accusations, however, Musk met with Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, and made it clear that the problems had been rectified. He stated in a tweet, “good talk We cleared up the confusion about Twitter possibly being taken off the App Store, among other things. Tim made it abundantly obvious that Apple had never given the idea any thought.” One of the biggest marketers on Twitter is Apple, and according to a Reuters report, the iPhone manufacturer led all advertisers in the first quarter of 2022. Following Musk’s official takeover in October, Apple reduced its Twitter ad spending from $220,800 between October 16 and 22 to $131,600 between November 10 and November 16. Although the reasons are yet unknown, Apple probably ceased using the site because it did not want its advertisements to appear next to contentious or sensitive tweets because Musk wants to rework Twitter to defend “free expression.” It’s not just Apple that has given up on Twitter advertising. Last month, numerous automakers, including Audi and General Motors, stopped running advertisements on Twitter. Ads on Twitter have also been discontinued by General Mills, the food firm behind the Haagen-Dazs ice cream and the Cheerios breakfast cereal. The pharmaceutical company Pfizer, which was crucial in developing the COVID-19 vaccine, is said to have stopped running advertisements on the website last month.

After a Brief Disagreement With Elon Musk  Apple Restarts its Twitter Advertising - 73