Meta has been chastised on multiple occasions for the fees it charges developers for its App Store, and Facebook now Meta has responded by mocking Apple. Last week, Meta surprised everyone when it announced that its Horizon Worlds metaverse sales had plummeted by over 50%. In the aftermath, the corporation led by Zuckerberg sought to defend itself by saying, “We feel this is a pretty competitive pricing in the market.” Decentraland and The Sandbox, on the other hand, keep just 2.5 percent and 5% of the total revenues, respectively. Apple has been regularly assailed by the Meta group on the matter, just as it has been for its 30% commission on its app store. As a result, the Cupertino corporation squandered the opportunity to do the same and leaped at the chance to attack the ex-new Facebook’s policy. Meta has also been removing criticism from the NFT developers since the announcement in question. It’s now unclear if the tech behemoth will adjust its shoulder gun when the trial period is through or whether it will stay there. More on Apple: Apple CEO to Cease Third-party Apps. Apple Is Planning To Include A Blood Pressure Monitor In Its Wristwatch