Recent reports have indicated that Apple would not launch its novel smartphones until October. Each year since it first introduced is smartphone line in 2007, the company has brought in a new iPhone. In the past couple of years, the launch events have been done in mid-September. Several market watchers anticipate that Apple will bring in two new iPhone 6 models with display sizes of 5.5 and 4.7 inches. Some latest reports however contend that one device could be released later. According to a report by The Wall Street Journal, Apple has requested production partners to make 70 to 80 million units of its larger screen iPhones by December 30, 2014, which is higher than its initial order of 50 to 60 million units of the iPhone 5C and 5S. Over the past years, Apple’s results have been stimulated by the iPhone, with the firm producing approximately half of its income from the smartphone. However, the company is facing intense competition from its major rivals, including Samsung. Apple’s customers have so far remained loyal to the brand.

Apple to debut iPhone6 on Sept 9 - 41