According to the firm, the programme aims to help the continent’s future fashion designers deliver on their true creative potential. The Fashion Product Lab is an 8-week programme set up in partnership with Nest, Association of Fashion Designers, FA 254, and “We are excited, and extremely proud, to be able to take an active role in connecting the region’s most creative designers with experts in the field through Mettā’s global community,”Maurice Otieno, ecosystem development (Africa) lead at Mettā said. “The successful applicants will also enjoy access to key individuals Nest as well as the VC’s expertise in growing and scaling businesses. The 8 weeks of content will form a very attractive programme for those looking to launch their very own fashion brand in Africa.” The firms say every element of the course is designed to help fashion-focused entrepreneurs launch their brands into the local and international markets, develop new clothing products and showcase new collections in new and innovative ways. The 8 successful designers will participate in mentoring andnetworking with fashion sector associations such as Association of Fashion Designers, FA 254,, Nest, VC’s and Mettā. An intensive curriculum tailored to their needs and then pitch their final ideas at a Demo Day, where fashion retail executives, investors, and press will be in attendance.