These days it’s all about technological advancement and connectivity, as innovation in that a sector is taking place at a very high speed, so this is where satellite phones come in to further make our lives easier and provide something which offers much better connectivity than before. When we talk about a cell phone, it needs physical towers to make calls, have internet connection or send texts etc. but as we all might have experienced at one point or another, the strength of the signals of the cellular connection get affected due to various reasons. This is where the satellite phones come in. Although satellite phones also may not be complete prone to outages, but chances are by far very less.  Satellite phones use a different technology as compared to the normal smart phone, so they do not have any linkage to the roaming functions of a normal mobile device. The two main technologies being used in it are geosynchronous satellites (GEO) and low earth orbit (LEO) systems. GEO satellites are fixed about 35,000 kilometers up in the sky positioned above the equator and they follow the Earth’s rotation. Whereas LEO satellites are fixed at a much lower distance while they orbit the Earth to provide more opportunities to connect with your satellite phone. With both these technologies, the clearer their line of sight is, the better connection they will provide.  These phones have several benefits attached to them:

It helps you stay in touch across the globe even in times of natural disaster and emergencies as when you would normally rely on your normal cellphones or your internet connection, they may already be disrupted due to the disaster.As these phones work fine wherever and whenever, it will allow you to contact the police, fire department and other government agencies in the time of disasters and emergencies when your other devices do not work. Satellite phones offer a much wider and faster connection worldwide than a regular phone. Be it in a forest or a mountain climb, these phones will still help you stay connected. Hence it provides further ease by ensuring connectivity in every condition. 

Hence, we can conclude, no matter what your connectivity requirement may be, satellite phones have got you covered. With such a strong and secure connection, it has, more or less, all the facilities of a normal cell phone to provide no matter where or in what condition one may be.