Dr. Marube takes over from former CEO Peter Biwott, whose term lapsed in early April, to head the more than 100 staff members at the Agency from the two merged institutions. Brand.KE is a  merger between the then country’s marketing agency Brand Kenya Board and Export Promotion Council (EPC). The new agency strives to be an integrated one-stop-shop for all exports promotion and country branding initiatives in the country. Dr. Marube is a practitioner and researcher in the field of communication management. Who has made a tremendous contribution to the Public Relations Industry. Prior to his appointment, He has served in various capacities to advance excellence in Public Relations and is the current serving President of Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK). Also, he is a  member of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management Board serving as the Delegate-at-Large for Africa. Speaking during the official unveiling ceremony at the Agency’s offices, the Chairman of the Board Mr. Jas Bedi thanked the Board for picking Dr. Marube for the top job saying his vast experience in communication management is what the Agency needs most. He added, “As a board, we are confident that Dr. Marube will steer the Agency’s mandate and the country to greatness,” Marube pledged his commitment to work closely with management and board to transform Kenya into a top global brand. “I am happy to join this team that is passionate about the country. Since we are living in unprecedented times with Covid-19 biting into the economy, we will have to re-align our focus and work with a sense of urgency to promote Kenyan exports innovatively and bring back this country to its glory before Covid-19,” he added. As he takes up the new job, his assignment will be to harmonize the internal culture of the Agency that has been in existence for less than one year comprising of staff from two different institutions.