Step 1: Pick a location for your TECH company

The first question you need to ask yourself as an organiser is: where is the company party going to be held? Will you choose to throw it at the office or will you rent another location? Both have different advantages. If you choose to hold it at the office, the first thing you will save on is the cost because you don’t have to spend money for a different location. Besides, your employees will be at the office anyway. You can use the time it takes to get them from A to B to already drink some beverages. The disadvantage of holding a party at your own office is that you have to clean up your own mess. Which is not necessary at an external location. In addition, if the external location is not nearby, you also have to ensure that all your employees have to return to the office with you. Especially if you then have to sit in a bus for a while. This can be quite a bummer for the atmosphere.

Step 2: Decoration is key

Without decorations or other party items (Dutch: feestartikelen), your party is just a regular party. If you want a Winter Wonderland theme, whacking out top tier party decorations is the way to go. What comes to mind when you think of a Winter Wonderland? Is it snow, ice skating or maybe other winter sports? Whatever you do, this theme is actually very simple. Create a cosy winter vibe by just dimming the lights and hanging fairy lights. Distribute some fake snow here and there and hang winter-related items. This could be ski mats, ski clothing or tiroler clothes (Dutch: tiroler kleding). You might even be able to get your employees to come in complete party outfits.

Step 3: Suiting food and beverage which tech people like

A company party is of course nothing without some (un)healthy snacks and drinks. With the theme Winter Wonderland, the ideas for snacks and drinks are also easy. Think of warm drinks like hot chocolate or apple cider with rum. Of course you can also serve beer or wine, but to start with, warm beverages are certainly not a bad idea. We also call this a warm welcome, literally. For the snacks, you can actually think of anything that you would normally eat on a ski trip. Bratwursten and schnitzels as finger food, that will easily fill the stomachs. If you don’t feel like arranging all this yourself, you can easily hire a caterer. Sometimes they even come with staff, so you never have to get your own drinks.  Have fun organizing your Winter Wonderland party!