To address his problem, Musk has tagged Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal and the verified official Twitter account. Interestingly, Musk has changed his Twitter handle to “Naughtius Maximus” while changing his Twitter name. The CEO of Tesla, who has more than 105 million followers on Twitter, only received between 3,000 and 5,000 likes in some of his posts. He then realised that not many people were seeing his tweets. Musk posted on Twitter, saying:  “My tweets are being suppressed. Please fix.” Despite the fact that his earlier tweets did not receive the same level of attention, as usual, the aforementioned tweet received over 44,000 likes. Even when he adds an emoji, Musk’s tweets receive over a million likes and retweets, so it is extremely unlikely that his recent tweets will fail to gain traction on Twitter. However, some of his most recent tweets are only receiving 3000 likes. Musk’s tweets received no response from Twitter’s support website or its CEO, Parag Agrawal. It should be mentioned that since Musk backed out of the $44 billion acquisition, he is currently embroiled in a legal dispute with Twitter. It should be noted that Musk’s accusations that Twitter is censoring his posts occurred after Twitter shareholders approved Musk’s bid to take over the business.

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