Today in a corporate town hall, Elon Musk will meet Twitter employees for the first time. The billionaire will address concerns Twitter employees had about the remote work policy, according to a recent Wall Street Journal story, and he will also discuss his desire to purchase Twitter, which is presently on hold. In a meeting with Twitter’s legal director Vijaya Gadde just one week ago, employees expressed worries about the company’s stance on remote work once Musk became CEO. A flexible work environment and the ability to work from any place were introduced by the microblogging platform last year. Contrarily, Musk recently urged Tesla employees to either resign or return to work. Employees are concerned that the policy of allowing remote work to continue if Musk takes over as CEO of Twitter. Musk recently warned Tesla staff that he would consider them to have quit if they did not return to work. The Tesla CEO also informed staff that a minimum of 40 hours must be put in each week. Additionally, businesses like Apple have recently called staff members back to work. Musk is anticipated to answer all of the questions that Twitter workers have had since he made the bid to purchase the business at today’s meeting. He is also anticipated to discuss his intention to acquire the microblogging platform for which he made an all-cash deal of $44 billion. But Musk just decided to postpone the Twitter agreement. This occurred after recent research from Twitter revealed that less than 5% of spam bots were using the service over the previous quarter. Musk estimates that at least 20% of the platform’s users were bots during the designated period. The CEO of Tesla stated that Twitter must first give accurate information on bots on the network. Analysts and sources concur that these are merely ruses the billionaire is employing to drive down the price at which Twitter will be acquired. The microblogging platform is hoping to finalize the transaction quickly in the interim.