One of the things you may have heard about is IoT or the Internet of Things. While this may sound like a vague term, what it actually refers to is the connection between objects that can connect and interact with one another without intervention from humans. In this article, we will find out more.

What Is IoT?

According to TDengine, IoT refers to a global network of objects that can communicate, connect, and interact with one another without outside intervention. IoT makes use of the wide range of smart technology that has been developed over recent years, and it can be used in a range of different applications and environments. Thanks to rapid development over the past few years, it is used in both businesses and homes, and the use and capabilities of IoT are certain to increase.

How it Works

To find out more about IoT, it is important to have a basic idea of how it all works. There are four key elements that go into the functioning and make up of IoT, and these are outlined below: Things: Things, as the name suggests, refers to the ‘things’ or objects that make up part of the Internet of Things. This could include anything from microcontrollers and sensors to appliances and gadgets – basically, any object that can be connected to the internet and become part of the IoT arena. Connectivity: Of course, connectivity is a pivotal component of IoT, as it means that connected objects are able to ‘talk’ to one another in an appropriate language and via the right channel. There are various connectivity solutions in use including well-known ones such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi as well as lesser-known ones such as Long Range Wide Area Networks. Software: The software is another pivotal component of IoT, as it provides the objects with the means to connect and act as they should. The structure, analysis, and management of the data gathered by the object connected are essential, and software is what enables this to be done effectively. Application: The application component of IoT is the part where the end-user takes control and can access the data that has been collected and analyzed. Users are able to exercise control over the management of the connected devices, and can be alerted whenever there is a need for human intervention.

IoT Device Management

One other important function when it comes to IoT is effective IoT device management. This refers to the authentication, provisioning, configuration, maintenance, monitoring and diagnosis of the devices that are connected. Device management is vital in order to ensure the whole system runs efficiently and that the devices are secure, up-to-date, and connected. To find out more about IoT device management check out the Axiros acs server.