DokiLink is aiming to make it easier for Nigerians access medical care without having to wait for hours. With the platform, users are able to book appointments with their personal doctors, or doctors within a particular specialty, city/state by simply searching and booking on the platform. Founded by Niyi Osamiluyi in March 2017, the platform has grown its membership to over 11,000 registered and verified doctors and claims to account for about 30% of doctors in Nigeria. Another interesting feature of DokiLink is the personalised and customizable calendars created for doctors on the platform. With the calendar, when a patient visits, he/she can pick an open slot (Blue area) and book an appointment. Once the appointment is booked, the slot becomes “locked” and the doctor (or designated hospital staff), gets a notification via email and SMS. Booking an appointment on DokiLink requires just about 3 steps, and takes less than 2mins. According to the founder, DokiLink will truly change the way health care is accessed in Nigeria and Africa. With the challenge faced by Nigerians when it comes to accessing healthcare, the solution provided by DokiLink is commendable, and we only wait to see how people would embrace it.