Information collated on the platform include product name, ingredient list, nutrition facts, NAFDAC number, additives, allergens and typically any other information you will find on food labels. To build a robust database of food products in Nigeria, FoodFacts is designed as a crowd sourced platform depending on volunteers (contributors) to keep growing the number of food products in its database.   Also, the FoodFacts Database contains materials which can be used by students, tutors and researchers for teaching and research purposes around food products, packaging, branding, etc. According to the founder, the platform will be of immense value to users with allergies; they can easily filter through to get food products meeting their specified criteria. An added service is FoodFacts’ SME support scheme.  “SMEs who do not have barcodes on their food products yet can take advantage of our experience and expertise to standardize their product labeling and packaging” Ebenezer explains.