It’s hard to disassociate the previous elections from Ezra Chiloba as he was sacked as the CEO in October 2018. Right after the elections, the former CEO disappeared into thin air and now the CAK authority chairman, Kembi Gitura released a statement on Tuesday confirming that Francis Wangusi had retired and that Chiloba would fill the vacancy. Chiloba’s new position will be renewable for a period of four years but this has also left many people with questions arising from the past about his previous position. Why was he sacked? In a statement, he said the outcome of the process challenging his sacking was predetermined and the process was a mere formality. Chiloba also mentioned that the next officer who would deal with the electoral process would suffer the same fate as he did if the issues were not dealt with. IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati had twice suspended the former CEO, citing procurement malpractices ahead of the August and October 2017 elections. Chiloba’s work experience. Chiloba holds an undergraduate degree in Law from the University of Nairobi, a Master of Arts degree from Central European University in Hungary and a Master of Science degree in Program Management from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Chiloba previously worked as a Team Leader and Deputy Chief of Party with Development Alternative Inc. He was previously a Projects Analyst in charge of governance, electoral systems and processes with the United Development Program. Last year, the ICT CS Joe Mucheru appointed Chiloba as a member of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund board for three years.