During the application period for the SAG-SEED Starter Months future eco-entrepreneurs form their teams and come up with their business ideas to tackle one of the main challenges in their country. Under expert guidance the selected teams will come together during two workshops to develop and refine their business ideas. The time between the workshops is used for testing the idea on with potential customers and partners. After the Starter Months the teams have proven their concept and are ready to engage partners, funders, and go to the market. Applications for the second cohort of the SAG-SEED Starter in Kenya are only open for FOUR MORE DAYS. The programme encourages and supports teams of potential entrepreneurs to set up new eco-inclusive enterprises. The first cohort already brought together 14 hardworking teams, with great ideas from paper made out of banana fibre to eco-tourism around lake Victoria. We’re looking for the new batch of motivated teams! How does it work? A number of selected teams will come together during two workshops in Nairobi  during 25-27 January and 23-24 February 2017 to develop and refine their business ideas. The period between the two workshops will be used for facilitated testing of the idea with potential customers and partners. After the workshops, the most promising teams qualify for additional capacity building support. The deadline for applications is 19 December. The Application Form and the Application Toolkit (with tips to complete the form) can be found online at www.seed.uno/support/starter.