This year, Seedstars Tanzania 5th edition will be held at Seedspace Dar Es Salaam on 23rd August 2019, at 1600 Hours EAT. Besides representing Tanzania at the Seedstars Regional Summit, the winner will get a chance to win an all-inclusive trip to Switzerland, to compete at the Seedstars Summit for the title of Seedstars Global Winner and up to USD 500,000 in equity investments and other prizes. Tanzania was previously represented by NALA Money with their innovative solution of a mobile money application that works offline, allowing users to easily access multiple mobile money wallets faster.  “We are very excited to come back to Dar es Salaam for the fifth time! The stakes are higher than ever as we’ve been in this ecosystem for more than 5 years now and know there are companies in Tanzania developing high-quality products. We are looking for the best and will take them with us to Switzerland in 2019!”, says Claudia Makadristo, Regional Manager for Africa at Seedstars. Tigo Tanzania and Swiss Embassy Tanzania are the main sponsors of the event. But further support is provided by delegation partners Feed the Future Advancing Youth and Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) who are bringing in a delegation of startups from Zanzibar to attend the Dar es Salaam competition. Four out of the 10 startups coming from Zanzibar will be pitching on Friday. Here is more information on the startups selected to pitch in Dar Es Salaam.