In 1986, Emmanuel Katto registered his first company Ascot Associates Limited, a company that he runs till today.  Ascot Associates Limited specializes in Government Procurement Services, Commodity Trading and Power Generation. Since then, Emmanuel Katto has started businesses that cut across numerous industries from energy, government procurement to real estate. Just how does Emmanuel Katto manage to juggle between sports and business? According to an article published on his official website, Emmanuel Katto points out the following: He Makes Deliberate Choices About What He Wants In Life Instead of just letting life happen, Emmanuel Katto makes deliberate choices about what he wants from life and how he wants to spend his time. He talks to his business partners, family, and other stakeholders who are important in his life, and comes up with a road map of what is important to him, how he wants to spend his time, and commit to following his path. He Sets Aside Time For Family, Friends and Important Interests Emmanuel Katto makes a point of planning and booking time off to spend outside work. He powerfully guards his time. He has mastered the art of time management. This allows him to pursue his passion for rallying while running very successful business ventures simultaneously.  While emergencies happen and situations come up that need his attention at work on occasion while he is out there rallying, he strongly resist any intrusion on this time. Emmanuel Katto Has Goals Aligned With Pursuing His Passion Many people go through life and get caught up in situations and circumstances that end up controlling them. Those that achieve balance have a defined plan around time frames and are willing to make some sacrifices to get what they want in the end. ‘Emka’ understands this and he knows that, for him to succeed his has to set up and achieve goals both in business and sports. He Has Developed A Strong Support Network Emmanuel Katto has a strong support network that he depends upon to help him get through difficult times. He is a giver who typically extends himself to help out in his community, business circles and family. Click here To learn more on Emmanuel Katto’s business and rally life.