Get an app for your religious book

Most religions have a holy book by which their followers abide. Whether you are Christian, Islam, Hindu, etc., you can easily download an app for your Bible or Quran on your phone. This way, you can always have it on you no matter where you go. Not only does it save on space, it also makes reading easier and more efficient. Some apps even have daily devotionals linked with the holy books, which give you verses, quotes and lessons to feed and meditate on daily.

Use internet resources for more guidance

In order to grow and improve one’s spirituality, you have to be constant and persistent. Just as we eat food several times a day, so should we seek spiritual guidance. One way of doing this, is by using the unlimited internet resources available to you. Find the mode of learning you prefer (listening, reading, watching), and then get material to help you with your journey in those preferred forms. You can choose to get YouTube videos of famous speakers, find podcasts and songs, or e-books and articles on spiritual topics that interest you.  This way, you can get to understand and build on the knowledge you acquire, thus improving your spiritual journey.

Get meditation and prayer apps

Apart from reading and consuming information, you also need to process and release the things that are within. Two of the most common ways to do this spiritually are through prayers and meditation. These channels allow you to work through your anxiety, fear, doubts and worries, while giving asking for help and provision for your needs. If you find it hard to pray and meditate on your own, consider getting apps that help with that. Good examples of such apps are Headspace and Insight Timer, which guide you on how to sit, breathe, and think during meditation and prayer times.

Join online support forums

If you are a beginner in the quest of improving your spirituality, then it will be helpful to find a community of like-minded individuals. Having a community around you helps with support, guidance, better understanding, and people who can answer your questions, if any. It also helps greatly in having accountability partners and even mentors. You can easily find online forums of such groups and communities on social media platforms like Facebook or Reddit, among others.

Finding spiritual retreat centres

Lastly, through technology, you can easily search, find, and book for a visit or stay at a spiritual retreat centre. Such places are important especially when you seek physical fellowship and disconnect from the noisy and busy world. Just make sure to get other user reviews and suggestions before making definite decisions.