At every point in time, we are part of a team. It could be sports, organisation, family, project, initiative or a host of other endeavours. There are key talents needed for the success of every team. The irony is most people drawn to our side tend to have similar values, goals, or talents with ours.  Even then teams need a multiplicity of skills and abilities for it to be effective. If you have the option of choosing your teammates here are the five people you must have. The Strategist: This is the intuitive player who anticipates problems long before the rest of you see them. They are forward thinkers’ sometimes abstract and master planner. His thinking cuts across time zones, disciplines and skills. You need a strategist to be able to plan well ahead and anticipate profitable moves as well as potential risks along the way. The Utility Player: This is the team’s hustler. He can play at any angle when needed, and he is a master of improvisation. He tends to be inventive, relentless, creative and tireless. They can be wild sometimes and most often you have to stop yourself from holding them back. Their erratic, undisciplined self, when harnessed, makes them the best talents to have around. Most often, utility players tend to be loyal as long as they have their independence. The Wingman: This is the one who smothers everyone else as he is the cheerleader. They tend to know who is lagging behind, who is putting in the most effort and who is a threat. Wingmen tend to be conservative and protective of the rest of the group members. They are the ones that will fight the unseen wars so that the remainder of the team can combat the battles that matter. Wingmen are excellent readers of fellow humans and their motivations. The Nerdy: This is the company whizkid. He is smart, innovative, well-cultured and a systems person. He is the person who will invent the scope and controls necessary to move the team forward. This nerd is not your standoffish, reticent tech geeks. He is flamboyant, polished and well-networked. He’s the person who will have the research done when you want to raise extra capital for expansion. The Sage: He is the most experienced, well-educated and balanced individual who keeps everyone else grounded. Sages tend to be visionaries who have amassed a lifetime of success and wisdom through trial and experience. Naturally, everyone looks up to the sage for leadership, advice and direction. Such qualities make him the best person to manage the rest of the team. Sages are not necessarily old; they just have the calm, poise and wisdom to execute goals with charm and ease