Application is now LIVE at The Kenya Healthcare Innovation Program awardees will be given the opportunity to participate in a bootcamp that includes business training to support commercially viable products and services. The training will also prepare them for pitching to potential investors. Financial awards, including incubation support, will be presented to the top three finalists during the Kenya Innovation Week(KIW) pitch fest coming up in December 2021. Villgro Africa will provide US $10,000 in awards (US $5,000 for 1st place, US $3,000 for 1st runner- up & US $2,000 for 2nd runner-up). In addition, other start-up resource providers will be invited to add to the awards (e.g memberships in co-working spaces, web design services, PR services etc). “The COVID-19 pandemic has showcased Kenyan innovation in the healthcare space. We have seen multiple ventilators developed, PPE manufacturing increased, and emergency response services operationalized. I am happy to lead this effort to reach out to innovative Kenyans who are solving healthcare problems in unique ways. Ideas, devices, equipment, services, software, apps… anything goes, as long as it solves a significant healthcare problem for Kenyans.”  Wambui Nyabero, Chief Technology Officer, Villgro Africa In line with KeNIA’s directive to accelerate disruptive innovation towards Kenya 2.0, Villgro Africa is delighted to partner in a search for healthcare entrepreneurs with ideas, businesses, devices, technologies or software that have the potential to make a huge impact in providing affordable healthcare to all Kenyans. KENIA’s core mandate is to develop and manage the National Innovation System. KeNIA is therefore responsible for coordination, promotion and regulation of the National Innovation Ecosystem. Villgro Africa supports entrepreneurs to transform product and process innovations into viable, scalable businesses that impact the base of the economic pyramid (BoP). Other partners include ICChange and Kijenzi. ICChange is a global, collaborative social enterprise network. Their work in Kenya is focused in the medical and urban entrepreneurial ecosystem. Kijenzi is a digital manufacturer operating a network of hubs intended to supply replacement parts, medical devices, and occupational therapy tools. The company digitizes the supply chain and does all of the manufacturing at local facilities, serving customers better by shortening wait times and lowering costs.