It runs on Android 12 and is powered by MediaTek Helio chipset that has not been unveiled. The screen is large with a 6.52” display on the front with HD+ resolution (20:9), not the sharpest but it is an IPS panel. The camera system comprises an 8MP selfie camera and a 13MP main camera, alongside two auxiliary modules at the rear side. The Yuva Pro has a large battery of 5,000mAh battery. It however has slow charging at 10W which requires 3 hours to attain full charge. The fingerprint reader is mounted on the side. The phone also possesses a 3.5mm jack for plugging in headphones to listen to music or turn on the FM radio. The phone can act as a hotspot or connect to local a Wi-Fi 5 (ac) network. It is scheduled to hit stores soon and will retail at $95. The phone will be available for purchase at the company’s official website. They have a 100-day warranty for screen replacement.