Making the Windows 10 App store attractive, modern, and pleasant space for everyone is one of Microsoft’s objectives. Furthermore, Microsoft would work on deploying a new version of the application market of its OS.

A more attractive and practical Store for developers

For developers, Microsoft would notably allow the use of third-party and in-app payment systems. In other words, and unlike Apple, Microsoft would thus prepare the firm not to take any commission on sales paid in this way. Developers would also no longer use the MSIX format for their applications: this should allow them to distribute updates more efficiently. A task also simplified for applications whose installation of updates is automatic, notes Engadget. By opening its Store to other payment methods and a more flexible update system, Microsoft could encourage more developers to offer their applications on the platform. A platform that still lacks content for the time being. To set an example, Microsoft has, in any case, announced that it would soon offer its applications on the Store. Among them, Edge, the Office suite, or Teams. Read also: Google Meet is getting a makeover: New interface, better quality, & video wallpaper.

A redesigned interface and more stable downloads

The changes should be just as significant on the user side, with the arrival of a redesigned and modernized interface corresponding to the new visual codes planned with the Sun Valley update. According to Engadget, we should notably find more elegant animations and new icons, among others. We also learn that monthly updates for the Store would bring new features and corrections regularly. Even more interesting, Microsoft is planning to rethink the download system of its Store to make the downloading and installation of applications and games more stable, especially about the heaviest content. However, contacted by Engadget, Microsoft indicated that they had nothing to share about this significant reshuffle. We will probably have to wait for an official event to find out more. The announcement of the new Microsoft Store for Windows 10 could come to Build 2021 update, expected in May. A first Preview could thus be deployed after the event, but all this will, of course, have to be confirmed. Windows Central believes for its part that this new Store could be launched on a large scale during the fall, potentially in parallel with the Sun Valley update. Older versions of Windows would, however, be eligible.