Internet Explorer browser was popular back in early 2000 but begun to slowly decline following the launch of Firefox in 2004 and Google Chrome in 2008 and in addition the introduction of mobile operating systems for instance Android and IOS which do not support Internet Explorer platform. As Internet Explorer retires from the browsing space, Microsoft is encouraging its consumers to transition to Microsoft Edge by June 15 2022 as the platform offers amore faster, more secure and modern browsing experience. For an organization using Internet Explorer, and may have a large set of legacy Internet Explorer-based  websites and apps, built up over many years. Moving to Microsoft Edge, will allow a user be able to extend the life of legacy websites and apps well beyond the Internet Explorer 11 desktop application retirement date using IE mode. Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge will be supported through at least 2029,” the company informed. Microsoft Edge has Internet Explorer mode (IE mode) built in, so users can access legacy Internet Explorer-based websites and applications straight from Microsoft Edge. “Not only is Microsoft Edge a faster, more secure and more modern browsing experience than Internet Explorer, but it is also able to address a key concern: compatibility for older, legacy websites and applications,” the company said. For web developers, Microsoft said they should plan an orderly movement to end Internet Explorer support based on users’ needs. Operating system support for Windows phones ended in 2017 thus seven years after Microsoft first launched the range. Currently there is a high demand for browser that can sync across multiple platforms In a world of Apple and Android devices, the term “Windows phone” sounds prehistoric .