Eden Life will utilise Lynk’s successful platform, which connects informal laborers with end customers through automated job matching and standardized processes. In a statement, Akinyi Ooko-Ombaka, Country Lead at Eden Life Kenya, said: “It’s truly exciting to continue the phenomenal legacy of the Lynk platform and be part of the evolution in recreating smart-service delivery solutions for busy Nairobians to manage their work-play lifestyle. The combination of the technology that powered Lynk to empower informal workers and the data-rich Eden Life app presents an immense opportunity to grow not just the menu of services, but also the number of people who can benefit from the platform.” The subscription service delivers chef-cooked meals, laundry services, home cleaning, and a new extra beauty and wellness service for consumers in Nigeria and will now be live in Nairobi to connect busy professionals with concierge services.Eden Life will remove the barriers to getting dependable home services in Nairobi, building on its success in Lagos, where the service has an 80% retention rate and a 15% MoM growth rate. Since its launch, Eden Life has delivered over 150,000 services in Nigeria thanks to the app’s robust architecture. Eden Life’s user-focused platform allows consumers to continuously give feedback on all elements of service delivery, from quality to user experience, in addition to being able to select the precise work they require. The app can also aggregate data based on consumer preferences and provide recommendations based on previous experience. It also contains features like delivery time monitoring, payments and invoices, and user notifications, all of which give users visibility and trust. The chores are overseen by “Gardeners” – the highly trained professionals who work with Eden Life service providers and end users to ensure a seamless service. Founded in Nariobi in 2015 and funded by Safaricom’s Spark Fund and Lateral Capital, Lynk facilitates over 150,000 jobs and transferring US$ 4.5 million to over 2,000 workers across four primary verticals: beauty and wellness, cleaning and care, installation, repair and maintenance, and furniture and decor. After being negatively impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns in the previous two years, Lynk’s main investor connected the company’s founders with Eden Life and orchestrated a strategic acquisition, allowing Eden Life to expand into Nairobi faster thanks to Lynk’s strong client base. The post-pandemic working life has seen more people working longer hours, leaving them with limited time to get key things done around the home. Eden Life is focused on disrupting the home services market by making life easier for the chronically time-poor tech-native professionals and executives, allowing them to channel their time into more productive activities as well as affording them more quality leisure time. “Lynk leveraged technology to pioneer an industry in East Africa that provided training, support, career growth and income for thousands of informal workers since inception, and we are enthusiastic about this development.Eden Life’s proven track record of delivering quality home services in Nigeria, while now leveraging on what Lynk has built in Kenya, reinforces the positive trend and opportunity that increasingly exists in major urban centres across Africa.” said Mike Mompi, General Partner at Enza Capital.