Connect to Grow is a first-of-its-kind enterprise matchmaking initiative, designed to help ambitious enterprises like you, grow your business! We provide bespoke financial and technical assistance to help you develop a commercially viable and socially motivated partnership venture. Visit

Have you spotted any market opportunities you would like to pursue?  Do you have needs or inefficiencies you want to overcome in your business model? Do you have an established market and an existing customer base? Are you well-run, socially motivated and have the potential to grow?

If the answer to these questions is yes, Connect to Grow could support you through the entire process of building a mutually beneficial partnership with an Indian enterprise. You’ll be able to access proven innovation from India, along with relevant expertise, which you can adopt or adap to your context. This innovation might be a particular technology, product, service or a particular approach. And the partnership could take many forms provided it is adding local value in your country.


Benefits to enterprises:

Access to a large pool of Indian innovations and enterprises with whom you may want to partner. One to one support from a dedicated partnership manager who will work with you. Travel grants  of approx. £1500 to allow you to meet potential partners in India. Advice, guidance and support in brokering a range of different partnership arrangements and developing your propositions. Grant funding of approx. £35,000 towards the cost of implementing a pilot. Bespoke technical assistance to implement the pilot. Advice, guidance and introductions to raise money to scale up successful pilots.

Deadline to apply is on December 31st. To register click here