Apple has been the target of a $ 50 million ransomware attack after the operators of the Russian hacker group REvil breached the servers of Quanta, a Taiwanese company that manufactures for various brands including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Lenovo and other Quanta also made MacBooks and other products for Apple. Through the breach, the group of hackers gained access to Quanta’s current and future product engineering and manufacturing schematics. The hacking group has given Apple until May 1 to pay the ransom and promises to post new images of the leak every day until it does. Their strategy at first failed but… The attack was strategically aligned with Apple’s Spring Loaded event on April 20. After the hacker group demanded and failed to get money from Quanta, the REvil group directly targeted Apple in hopes of obtaining the technology, a behemoth to pay the $ 50 million ransom. A screenshot from REvil group blog (via The record, who were also the first to report the ransomware attack) says: “Our team is negotiating the sale of large amounts of confidential drawings and gigabytes of personal data with several major brands.” “We recommend that Apple buy back the available data before May 1,” he added. What have they revealed so far? So far, the REvil group has leaked images of Apple’s newly launched iMac, the 202r0 M1 MacBook Air, and a previously unreleased laptop that features additional ports, which is in line with the MacBook 2021 rumours. On Wednesday, Quanta confirmed in a statement to Bloomberg that its servers were breached: “Quanta Computer’s information security team has worked with outside IT experts in response to cyberattacks on a small number of Quanta servers.” He added that the attack had “no material impact on the company’s business operations.” The REvil group is the same group that hacked into Acer’s administrative network in March 2021 and demanded a $ 50 million ransom to crack the company’s computers and not leak their data on the dark web.