Together with the World Bank and other stakeholders, the Ministry of Youth and ICT organized a two day workshop that brought together experts from various institutions to champion for an Open Data policy. According to Rwanda’s Minister of Youth and ICT, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, “As we think about open data policy we should also think on demand side, as data to be discovered, on demand side, think on the big miners who are youth.” The Rwanda Open Data Policy Consultative Workshop was held in Rubavu District to make data available by governments, businesses and other groups for anyone to read, use and share. Rwanda aims to transform its society an agrarian one to one that’s based on information and knowledge as enshrined in its Vision 2020 and translated into action through its mid-term implementation framework, the EDPRS and the SMART Rwanda Master Plan 2014-2018. Information and Communication Technologies particularly Open Data, has got enormous potential to spur innovation and creativity, increase the proliferation of high skilled jobs, contribute to economic growth, and create a more accountable, efficient, responsive, and effective government. Easy access to data allows individuals and organizations to develop new insights and innovations that can improve the lives of others and help to improve the flow of information.

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