Seedstars World selected Roque​ Online (Angola), Crop2Cash​ (Nigeria), Exuus​ (Rwanda), Pezesha​ (Kenya), OKO​ Finance (Mali), Nadji​.bi, Gambia (The Gambia), Nvoicia​ (Ghana), Vectra​ (South Africa), Afrikamart​ (Senegal), Teheca​ (Uganda)as the​ most promising startups from continent. Txapita from Mozambique was given a wildcard to participate in the global summit as well. They will represent the African region at the Seedstars Summit 2020 in Lausanne, Switzerland and compete for the title of the Seedstars​ Global Winner,​ and up​ to USD 500,000 in equity investment and other prizes. The other startups invited to pitch were Track Your Build (Sierra Leone), Yetu Pic (DRC), Sheria Kiganjani (Tanzania), Apptorney (Zambia), Digital Renter (Cameroon), Ocliya (Malawi), Eco Warriors (Mauritius, Lifiled (Côte d’Ivoire), (Zimbabwe), Mohiri (Botswana), Passafree (Cape Verde), Macquarie Medical Care (Namibia), WhyToyz (South Africa). Additional prizes were awarded to Zafree​ Papers,​ from Ethiopia, who won a 10K USD grant prize for its business as the winner of the Land​ Restoration Prize in partnership with DOEN, as well as OKO finance from Mali who will receive 3 months’ access to the investment readiness program as the winner of the Job Creation Prize in partnership with the African Development Bank. More than just a tech conference, the Seedstars Summit Africa was an opportunity for all stakeholders involved to network and create added value for their impact-driven companies. “It was very impressive to see all those entrepreneurs from 25+ countries coming together, learning from each other and getting constant support and feedback from mentors, investors, and other industry experts. On top of the content and the networking opportunities they are provided with, their energy is the cherry on the cake”, Anne-Alice Fievet, the Summit Manager.