This new service will give commuters a chance to book their ride to upcountry way in advance instead of having to book physically. The new service will be available in 12 new counties this includes Naivasha, Nakuru, Molo, Eldoret, Narok, Bomet, Kericho, Kisii, Kisumu, Nyeri, Nanyuki & Machakos. Partnerships will be introduced. SWVL plans to partner with various matatu saccos that offer long-distance routes. The Kenyan General Manager said: “We are constantly innovating for the Kenyan commuter to provide them with safe, tech-enabled commutes that make it easier for them to travel. We are looking to make it easier for Kenyans to make their journeys upcountry, especially as we approach the festive season next month. With Swvl Travel, we will partner with operators who travel across the country and our digital platform will enable commuters to use our app to book these routes, giving commuters the comfort of booking and paying from home” The new routes will be added gradually on the app and all you have to do is keep your app updates so you don’t miss out on these routes. If you’ve used swvl before you would know that they are quite timely with their routes so to avoid being left ensure you choose the best timing because they are rarely ever late.