Telegram has announced a major update that will now allow users to record live streams and video chats in the app themselves. The latest update to the instant messaging platform also introduces eight chat topics. Each theme comes with a day and night version and follows the night mode settings of the app settings. The app has also introduced detailed read receipts in groups. Users will also get new interactive emojis with full-screen effects with the new update. The new features were announced for Android and iOS users on September 19th in a blog post that details how to use them. The eight new chat themes introduced by Telegram can be applied to certain private chats to customize their appearance. Each of the new themes features gradient message bubbles, animated backgrounds, and unique background patterns to help users organize their chats. If you’re using the latest version of Telegram on your smartphone and you’ve already received the update, you can tap the chat header field in a chat window, click the three-dot icon and select the button Change colours Activate themes. The user you are chatting with can also see the topic you selected if they are also using the latest version of Telegram. Telegram got another new set of animated emojis with full-screen effects with the update, so users can choose the option to be more expressive in Telegram chats. The animations and vibrations are played on the smartphones at the same time when the chat window of the user and chat partner is open. Users can now check whether the other participants in the group have already received or read your message. Group messages are marked with a double check symbol (✓✓) to indicate the status of the read receipt. In small groups, the user can now select which group members have read the message by selecting them. Telegram confirms that for privacy reasons, read receipts will be stored in groups for seven days after the message has been sent. In its last update – Telegram 8.0 – the ability to have an unlimited audience for a live stream was introduced. This feature allowed hosts to entertain an endless number of participants when starting a live stream on a channel or a group video call. Now, in the latest update, Telegram allows administrators to record live streams and video chats to share for those who missed the live version. The administrator can start the recording from the broadcast menu. There are options for recording Audio only or Video and audio. In order to record a video, the user must select an option for portrait or landscape. Once the recording or transfer is complete, the file is immediately uploaded to Saved messages.