Among the new features are reactions that are now part of the app. If you have ever used Facebook Messenger you know how reactions work. The difference is that in Telegram you have to press and hold on iOS for the reaction emoji picker, while tapping once on Android. In private chats, reactions are always on but in groups and channels admins can get turned on or not. In private chats, reactions are always on but in groups and channels admins can get turned on or not. You can hide spoilers by using the new Spoiler formatting. You just have to choose the spoiler-infested part of a message and mark it as such and this will be hidden from the message in the chat, and in the chat list, as well as in notifications. If you want to see what’s hidden, you have to simply tap the spoiler to reveal its text. Users can add a new dedicated translate button to the context menu when selecting a message. This works on all Android devices and iOS 15+ on Apple devices. The list of available languages depends on the phone’s software. You can also theme the QR code for your or someone else’s profile by selecting the colours and pattern. There are newly redesigned context menus on mac OS with animated icons too.