With the political atmosphere getting heated and uncomfortable it may be hard to notice the major milestones Kenya is making especially when it comes to technology. The United Nations said that when it comes to the adoption of latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and drones in Sub-Saharan Africa we come 7th. The country trails South Africa, Mauritius, Namibia, Gabon, Cape Verde and Ghana in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s (UNCTAD’s) Technology and Innovation Report 2021. Progress made by countries. 158 countries were rated based on their use of technology and how they worked to implement frontier technologies in their economy. Technology in this case is not just hardware but the use of software, fast internet connectivity, the internet of things, big data, blockchain, 3D printing, robotics, drones, gene editing nanotechnology and solar photovoltaic. How much value does technology bring and how much do they cost? Globally the UN body estimates that these technologies control a $350 billion (Sh38.15 trillion) market globally, forecasting a jump to as much as $3.2 trillion (Sh348.8 trillion) in 2025. UNCTAD’s director of division on technology and logistics Shamika Sirimanne said in a statement: “Frontier technologies are redefining our world, especially our post-pandemic future,” “It is key that developing countries do not miss the wave of frontier technologies, otherwise it will further deepen inequalities. Hence, societies and productive sectors need to be well prepared and build the required skills.” We must admit that the ICT ministry has done a great job at ensuring that Kenya is well positioned digitally and has provided the support and opportunity for startups. Globally, Kenya is ranked 105 out of the 158 countries surveyed in the Geneva-based UN body’s “country readiness index” which used ICT deployment, skills, research and development (R&D), industry activity and access to finance to rate the preparedness levels. UNCTAD has, however, recognised Kenya among top countries in the world which ranks higher in use and adoption of the frontier technologies than their position in per capita gross domestic product (GDP) — a measure of average economic output of its citizens.