In tandem with the rise, TikTok’s employees in Europe have also increased from 1,000 to 1,600, of which 1,300 of them are based in the UK and Ireland making the two top tier hosts of the app in Europe. However, the company continues to face a myriad of challenges towards its growth. Just after the India ban, TikTok was been embroiled in another battle with the US government that has threatened the closure of the short-form video app in the US Market. A matter that has seen the company open for interested buyers to acquire its arm. President Trump has so far issued two executive orders ordering ByteDance to sell its US business within 90 days. The order says, the US has credible evidence that ByteDance was using to breach US security. The order prohibits TikToks further operations in the US as it is believed that TikTok might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States. In defiance of the ongoing predicament, the company continues to strive for its growth in the market that included the increase in US monthly users last month. TikTok has also launched its Creator Fund in Europe – a €250m investment over the next three years to help creators monetise their work. The deal has since been embraced by 40% of those eligible in just two weeks. The company has also brought in an external digital agency VaynerMedia to beef up its marketing efforts on social media in the US.