Creating a Perfect Essay Writing Plan

So, how to write an essay that leaves an impression? To create an exceptional piece, it is crucial to have a plan. This plan will help you be on track and enhance your essay writing skills. So, let’s put the spotlight on how to create a writing plan step by step.

Understand your essay question 

This is the first step towards writing a compelling piece of writing. Many students do not pay much attention to it. As a result, they end up writing irrelevant details. Their paper fails to answer the prompt or question precisely. This is why it is extremely important to comprehend what the question asks you; what should be your key arguments. So, read your prompt two to three times, and break it into parts if necessary. For instance, if it’s a double question essay: “It is predicted that robots will replace humans in the future. In what areas they could be used? Do you think this will be a positive or negative development?”  This prompt requires you to answer two questions. First, you need to discuss humans and robots’ future and how they will replace us. Secondly, state your opinion if it is a positive or negative development.  So, make sure you know what you have to write. Don’t miss answering any of these questions. On the other hand, if you have to choose a topic by yourself, choose a topic you understand well. However, if English writing is not plain sailing for you, you may listen to one thought in your mind: “Who will write my essay online?”

Do your research well

By now, you have the required understanding of the topic. You have also established the purpose of your writing. Now comes the critical part; conducting conclusive research work. Read your information attentively. Analyze relevant studies available on the topic. Make notes to structure your research group. Assessing different sources for data gathering is the key. However, reading purposefully is an aspect many students miss. A careless approach towards the research work process will cost you grades. An examiner will judge your assignments on elementary rules, accurate scholarly information, which has to be knitted logically, arguing your case. So, this part holds the key to your good grades. Be clear about your ideas during the research work. Gather specific scrutinize data only. Keep maintaining all the references from the word go.  Moreover, make notes of examples you come up with while researching. Lastly, keep your position in mind. Taking the question mentioned above example, you should know what your opinion on it is. If you think robot usage will be a positive development in the future, you should use strong arguments and examples to support it. 

Create an Online 

This is an extremely important step. Outlining your paper will allow you to jot down:

all the key arguments you are going to present; the examples or evidence you will use to support them; Your thesis statement; Your opinion/position and the reason you support that point. 

Once your outline is ready, you can even start your paper from the body paragraph. This will help you create a great essay introduction in the end.  However, many students tend to get confused and panic in the planning phase. If you are one of them, you may also take online help from WriteMyEssay. Their professional writings know the exact formula to create a flawless assignment without breaking the banks. So, if there is not much time left to submit the assignment, do not panic. Take professional help and say goodbye to stress for good. So, before you start to write in panic, think wisely because it is a matter of good grades and reputation.

Have a brainstorming session

Now that the outline is done, here comes another crucial step in essay planning. Remember, the more you are organized, the less time you consume in execution. Preplanning an assignment is significant because it helps you manage details and maintain the flow of your paper.  This integral part includes the detailing of your outline. For instance, you should now brainstorm on how to introduce a topic effectively. How will the body paragraphs connect information flow? How many ideas and likewise what the number of paragraphs will be enough to establish the arguments. Figure out how your essay conclusion will look like. This Brainstorming session will help design an impactful conclusion, a balanced body, and a thoughtful introduction to your paper. Also, think keenly about the relevant examples to support your arguments. At this stage, you should have a clear picture of your paper in your mind. Once it is all cooked up in mind, now you are ready to write it down. 

Find food for thought

When you plan your essay, try to develop something that provides food for thought to the reader. Use the notes you have made during the research to add a splash of uniqueness to your piece. You may add an interrogative sentence or a quotation, or a strong thought in the introduction to make it engaging. Likewise, add something interesting in conclusion, too. Please do not make it look like a simple summary of your entire document. If you can leave your readers thinking, it will have a great impact on them. Consequently, this will have a great impact on your grades, too. Thereby, it is important to sort it out in the planning phase. When students are ending their essays, they normally rush through them. At that time, they do not spend too much time on ending it with something impressive. Hence, it is better to pick some relevant food for thought in the planning phase for your conclusion and hook for your introduction. Doing so will make it easier for you to write the draft without missing out on anything important.   All in all, writing a perfect essay is all about planning. If it is well-planned and well-structured, nothing is going to stop you from crafting an exceptional piece. So, do not forget to keep these tips in mind when you start to plan your Essay.