Keno Alordiah wants to take advantage of this love for music with his startup, TrashorPass. Launched on January 12, the online platform enables music lovers in Nigeria to download and review  trending songs in Nigeria. Although there are other platforms that cater to the music needs of Nigerians by enabling them to download songs, TrashorPass claims to offer more user interaction and engagement with its review and rating feature. Reviewing on the platform is made more interesting than what you’ll get on a regular review platform. Users can either trash songs (of low ratings) and pass songs having high views and ratings. According to the founder, data collected through these reviews is used to paint a holistic picture of the songs, and also help those who want to download songs make the best decision. This is one cool startup that’ll surely thrive in Nigeria just because – it’s music! –  which a lot of people monitor religiously. The love for celebrities also contribute to the number of music lovers in the country. We only wonder how Keno Alordiah intends to make money from the platform.