In a bid to help users monetise content, Twitter has rolled out it paid ‘Ticketed Spaces’ feature. This new update will allow users to sell access to ‘Ticketed Spaces’ created by them. The micro-blogging platform, in a tweet, said it was experimenting with the feature on iOS for now but hoped to bring it to all users soon. The tweet read: “We want to help people creating cool Spaces make $$$. today, some Hosts will be able to create Ticketed Spaces!,” The platform had, in June, said that it was working on the ‘Ticketed Spaces’ feature for hosts to be rewarded for the experiences they create by getting monetary support. A tweet from the Twitter Spaces handle read:“Hosts are working hard to create unique & exclusive live audio experiences (and we learned it’s not easy!) with Ticketed Spaces, you will have the flexibility in setting the ticket price for your audience (or not),” Twitter describes Ticketed Spaces as a way to help “creators generate revenue from the Spaces they host while allowing their audiences to show their support by purchasing tickets for the experience and conversation that creators provide in Twitter Spaces.” Users can host workshops, conversations, or meet-and-greets with fans via Ticketed Spaces. Hosts earn the majority of the revenue from ticket sales. Twitter had previously said that it would take a 3 per cent cut of creators ‘ earnings from Ticketed Spaces. Twitter began testing Spaces with a small group of people on iOS and expanded to Android in March. ‘Ticketed Spaces’ was opened in June for users who are over 18, hosted three Spaces in the last 30 days and have at least 1,000 followers. Taking on audio chat app Clubhouse, Twitter in May announced Spaces – its live audio conversation app.