Uber will make available its wide network of drivers to ensure those who are supporting communities and the many frontline workers who need to be mobile, have a reliable and efficient way of getting around. According to Anthony le Roux Regional General Manager, Uber, Middle East and Africa, “It is our role to help the society by providing relief, especially those who work tirelessly to support our communities. This is the largest partnership for us across MEA and we are amazed at Mastercard’s relentless effort to make a difference. We are proud to be working alongside them to ensure those supporting our communities, especially those on the frontline, have access to safe and reliable transport.” Uber drivers arrange transportation to and from homes of caregivers, and to where they are needed, such as healthcare facilities or to feed the vulnerable. Uber has shared relevant health information with drivers to ensure they are well-informed in COVID-19 related safety protocols and have been provided with masks and sanitizer reimbursements. Mastercard is helping people around the world navigate these challenging times. Mastercard is also applying its technology, philanthropy, and data science expertise to rebuild healthy communities and ensure that economic growth is inclusive. As millions of people across the world come together to support, feed and protect their communities, Mastercard is extending its support to help those who help others. In Kenya, Uber is working with The Nairobi Hospital and Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital to provide trips to ease movement for medical professionals, ensuring that frontline workers have a reliable and efficient way of getting to and from where their services are required in Kenya. Amnah Ajmal, Executive Vice President Market Development, Mastercard, MEA explains, “Mastercard continues to partner with digital players across the value chain to build a more connected world by supporting our communities. With our partner Uber, we are committed to support healthcare and essential workers who are working tirelessly to take care of us. Uber’s mission to improve lives is matched with Mastercard’s mission of doing well by doing good, together we are focused on helping frontline workers across the region feel confident and safe with access to free transportation.” This is just a start and this commitment comes as part of Uber’s global pledge to help communities in need to “Move What Matters”.