Backpacks Though considered a casual style of bag, you can design trendier backpacks that cut across many users and uses. As the name suggests, they are normally carried on the back with straps over the shoulders. Backpacks have multiple uses and have a wide market appeal including the young and old. By designing and even branding these backpacks for your company promotions, including conferences, you have the opportunity to capture a wider customer base with great returns on your investment. Tote Bags These bags are most often ladies’ bags that come in numerous designs, sizes and colors. This all adds aesthetic value for the user. Besides, these bags provide spacious capacity for various items you would like to carry with you, or even shopping. You can use these trendy bags for female customers RocketBags, as a means to promote your products or branding your company. The numerous possible designs that can come from designing and branding tote bags provide you with multiple niche markets, especially amongst women.  Bucket Bags These are not suitable for branding but quite trendy due to their multiple uses. Bucket bags are essential for any function. They are sometimes carried together with other types of bags. Bucket bags can be carried with official or casual wear, making them versatile and suitable for many occasions — essentially for their anesthetic value. These kinds of bags can be essential in running ad campaigns and for brand promotions such as gifts. Gym Bags These bags are designed for the exercise enthusiasts who would love to carry their sweat pants and gym attires with them to their workplaces. These are very trendy bags with multiple pockets to accommodate more storage accompanied with adjustable straps. You can use these bags as a promotional tool for your goods and services. They can be branded and used as free samples or tokens for your customers. Cross-Body Bags Cross-body bags are mainly designed to carry the small items like lipsticks, handkerchiefs and little snacks. These are trendy bags suitable for any occasion and are essential for carrying things you need quick access to. They are very easy and convenient to carry everywhere. Your company can quickly dispatch and distribute these as a promotional branded tool. Conclusion There are many trendy business case designs and types that you can use for your company. They could be a product for sale, or for the sole purposes of branding and promoting your products and services. They can be a very essential item in everybody’s life.