Find Social Partners If you want to learn how to market an online course through social media, you’ll have to start by finding ways to connect with others. Search online for folks who are offering courses that could complement yours. Try to contact them or promote them on your social media platform. If you are genuine about your support, these folks will likely take notice. Given enough time, you might be able to partner up or get them to promote your course on their platform. Try to stick with folks who have close to the same amount of fans as you or only slightly more. Increase Your Number According to Kajabi, it might be a good idea to “set up accounts with two or three of the main social platforms and use them to build and engage with your target audience.” What you are doing is increasing your chances of reaching the right audience. If you are starting off, this isn’t going to be too difficult to manage, but make plans to hire a manager at some point. This may be an effective way to widen your audience, but it can be quite time consuming as your presence grows. Invite Additional Creators As you continue to learn how to market an online course, you’ll find out that creating a community is one of the best ways to reach your audience. To do this, you’ll have to invite other course creators to collaborate on your online course. Find folks who have an active social media account and are course creators themselves. Invite these folks to create an online course for you that you can share with your audience. Once these folks are added to your online courses, they’ll promote courses on their social media accounts. Strategic Sources Everyone knows a course needs sources, and you are probably using very good sources already, but it might be a good idea to throw in a few strategic sources. This means looking for authority figures that have social media accounts. Use information from them and link to them. The reason you are doing this is that some of these folks will return the favor at some point. This is going to take some time, but patience is a major lesson when learning how to market an online course through social media. Think About Offers You should consider offering something special to your followers. Maybe you can offer a one-on-one meeting online, or maybe you can offer a customized course for one lucky follower who promotes your social media platform. You don’t have to do these all the time since they tend to take a lot out of you, but if you pepper them throughout your account, it’ll end up helping. You can look at what your competitors are doing on their pages and get inspiration from them. These are just some ways you can promote your online course through social media platforms. Be patient because this is going to take some time, but it’s time well spent.