What is Expedited Shipping?

Expedited Shipping is a shipping method that is faster than the normal shipping process. When you choose expedited shipping for a parcel or shipment then you are guaranteed that the order will be delivered much faster than the standard deliveries. Expedited shipments are usually placed on delivery trucks that make little or no stop during the delivery process.  It is a useful delivery option that ensures that your parcels are delivered earlier than standard shipping. However, there are a few things that you should know about expedited shipping before you select this option and pay for it.

How Fast is Expedited Shipping?

If you want to know how fast expedited shipping is then it doesn’t have the extra fast speed like the overnight, same day, or next day shipping option but compared to the standard shipping, expedited shipping is faster. Expedited shipping is simply “faster than standard shipping.”  The exact amount of time that expedited shipping delivers the order usually depends on the courier company that you choose. For instance, if the standard shipping of the delivery company that you choose takes an average of 5-10 days to deliver then expedited shipping might get your package to you in less than 4 days, it could be 3 days or 4 days but it is generally faster than the standard shipping method.  For most courier companies around the world such as DHL, FedEx, TCS, ePacket, etc the expedited shipping option takes usually 2-3 days to deliver your package to your doorstep which makes it faster than the standard shipping method.

How Much Does Expedited Shipping Cost?

Just as you would expect, expedited shipping is more than the standard shipping options. Generally, it is about $10-15 higher than the standard shipping options.  The exact cost of expedited shipping depends on the courier company. Some companies charge a higher price for expedited shipping while others cost just a few bucks more than the standard shipping options.

Can You Track Expedited Shipping Packages?

Being able to track your package is a useful feature because you get updated on the delivery progress and you also get the inner peace of mind knowing that your package is where it is supposed to be at that time. If there is a tracking option available then you should always use it.  Most of the courier companies from around the world usually give the customers the option to track their package sent through expedited shipping so, you can track the progress of delivery and see exactly where your package is at any given time just by typing in the Order # or Consignment#.

Difference Between Expedited Shipping & Express Shipping

Expedited Shipping and Express Shipping aren’t the same things and you shouldn’t confuse one with another. Although both of these shipping options sound similar, they both are very different from each other. Express Shipping or Express Delivery is usually the fastest shipping option that a company has to offer and is faster than expedited shipping but the extra fast shipping comes with a price tag and express shipping/delivery is usually a lot more expensive than expedited shipping. Express Shipping is usually the next-day delivery option provided by many companies around the world.  When you are shopping online then make sure that you don’t get confused between the two and choose the option that is more suitable for you. You don’t want to pick the wrong shipping option and pay extra for the delivery or wait for more than you wanted to get your package.

Is Expedited Shipping Worth It?

Well, it depends on the choice of the customer and there is no clear-cut answer to this question. If you are not in a rush to have your parcel delivered to your doorstep then you are better off with the standard shipping option because paying extra for expedited shipping isn’t worth it. But if you want to get your package delivered to your doorstep a bit earlier than usual then sure, paying the extra price for expedited shipping is worth it.  It all comes down to your needs and requirements. There are several times when paying extra for expedited shipping comes in handy. this includes;

If you are ordering a perishable food item then it is probably better to pay extra for expedited shipping.   If you are ordering a fragile item then choosing expedited shipping is worth it since the delivery truck usually makes little or no stops and your fragile item will be protected from getting damaged. If you are ordering an expensive item then expedited shipping is a good option since it is delivered faster than standard shipping and reduces the risk of any mishap happening before the package reaches your doorstep. Through standard shipping, there is a chance that your expensive item might get, which usually doesn’t happen but the risk is there. 

If you want your package to arrive a little earlier than regular then expedited shipping is a good choice. You’re not paying so much for the fast shipping as you would for express delivery and you’re also getting your package delivered a bit earlier than standard shipping.