Summary of VPS vs. Cloud Hosting

VPS is a machine that manages the physical server and separates it into smaller virtual servers. It enables clients to have their portion of server resources. Fortunately, the charge of VPS is minimal; VPS enables you to share the server with clients. As an advantage, VPS removes competition of users for resources like CPU, storage, or RAM. Indeed you can configure the operating system and application based on your requirements. VPS hosting offers you the benefits of a dedicated server at a small cost. With VPS, you share the server with several other users; but there is no direct competition over resources such as CPU, storage, or RAM, unlike shared hosting. Moreover, you can configure the operating system and the applications you require. VPS set a dedicated part of resources that other users don’t access. The dedicated space is located physically on one server, but the resources may distribute on several servers in cloud technology. This approach confines you that the host can support you virtually with several networks of servers. This network of cloud servers causes more reliability and performance and protects against errors or malfunction in the time of crashes. VPS hosting gives you more control over your website. If you have enough technical skills to set up and configure the platform, this model is suitable for you. Cloud hosting systems offer you more flexibility, and it’s efficient and satisfying for traffic spikes. It’s good idea to use cloud hosting for your website.


It would help if you customize configurations, applications, security, backup, and  partitioning. If you mean to do it yourself, you need PHP versions, but cloud hosting is different. It doesn’t need much customization like VPS hosting. Cloud hosting doesn’t require much expertise for the initialization of servers. If you need a platform with a unique customization, you probably choose VPS. Configuration of VPS systems is similar to dedicated servers. In this model, the operating system stores the data in a specific location on the partitioned disk. Hence, the admin has full root access and ultimately controls the operating system, applications, and websites. 

Comparison of Security in VPS And Cloud

There are different forms of hosting with varying issues of security and dominances.  Dedicated servers have more security levels than VPS. Indeed, the VPS hosting server is more secure than shared servers.  The data and files in VPS models are protected and inaccessible to other users of the central server. It’s true when another domain is infected or corrupted with threats. In VPS, you are responsible for your security customization. So you have to configure the VPS server correctly to avoid security issues. When your server is web-based and distributed, there is more probability to be the target of malicious acts. Cloud providers often supply enough and high levels of security to protect clients. Sometimes it’s more secure than when you configure your server yourself, so these hosts cost more. The advantage of cloud hosting is the more robustness against attacks, traffic, or surges in use.

Scalability and Flexibility

You should scale your server’s resources as your business grows to meet your new needs. VPS servers are limited to the size of the physical server. One server has a limited capacity of resources. You may get a dedicated server when it is needed. When your need starts to outgrown VPS services’ scale, you should get dedicated servers or use a cloud model. On the other hand, the VPS models have limited capacity; on the other hand, cloud servers can provide clients with several servers’ unlimited capacity. It’s reasonable that VPS servers are a cheaper solution than the cloud model; it’s appropriate for your starting or growing business.

Performance, Reliability, and Availability

The speed and performance of Windows 10 VPS and cloud hosting are more than shared servers. VPS was the best option without paying for a complete server until the cloud systems got popular. The provider is essential for the efficiency of hosting. VPS can confidently set performance and reliability levels because these resources specifically belong to your host. The performance of VPS is related to the number of server slices. With VPS, the chance of getting offline or the resource problem is more significant than cloud hosting. The cloud environment has a flexible setup and offers you high levels of performance. This model is decentralized, and no impact will exist when one of the servers goes down. The time of spikes is a significant issue. This system can scale up memory and processing power and can manage even the unpredictable spikes in traffic.  VPS is cheaper than cloud hosting, but the availability and reliability of cloud hosts are more. In the crash scenario, the particular resources may go down, and an application or website in that specific space may be inaccessible until technicians remove the problem.

Cost of VPS Compared to Cloud Hosting

VPS and cloud hosting solutions include all advantages of a dedicated server with a more affordable budget. VPS has stable monthly costs. You can choose a plan and every month use a specific amount of resources. It depends on resource caps, the server requirements, and the amount of support, and it’s cheaper than cloud hosting.  The cost of cloud hosting depends on the amount of traffic or usage. It’s more expensive than VPS because it complicated networking, infrastructure usage, and resulting time. In the cloud model, this system calculated the fee only on a per-user basis.


Cloud hosting and VPS models provide higher performance and efficiency than shared hosting. In the VPS case, you share on the server specifically for users but in the cloud hosting client provided with several separated servers. The customization of cloud hosting is simpler than VPS, and both have enough levels of security. In VPS, you are bound to physical limitations on a single server, but the cloud-based servers provide you more flexibility than VPS models.  SOURCE: