WhatsApp will now let users see larger images and video previews in chats. The Facebook-owned messaging app had rolled out the feature only for iOS users, but now the feature is available to Android users as well. The feature enlarges the content that is shared in chats and does not crop out the pictures or videos. You can now scroll through chats without having to tap on the image or the video to open it on the big screen. WhatsApp tweeted from its official Twitter account about the new feature. “Photos and videos in WhatsApp are now even bigger, so no one will be left out of the picture! That’s the perfect reason to smile,” Along with the tweet, there is a small video preview of how the feature will look once it is rolled out to a wider audience. In the video, you can see that the pictures no longer appear in a square-shaped box, you can now view the original size of the picture. Earlier, in order to view the complete picture, users had to tap on the image but now the image will automatically appear in the chats. The tweet hinted that the feature has been rolled out across all platforms. WhatsApp had rolled out the larger preview feature with the 2.21.71 update. Android users can update the app on Google Play Store to get the latest feature. Apart from this, WhatsApp was found testing a new feature that would allow users to listen and review their voice messages at different playback speeds. “WhatsApp already had a similar feature to review voice messages, but the way to trigger the feature was very cumbersome, for example switching to a different section before sending the voice message.This new feature (currently under development) will add a new Review button, that you can easily tap to listen to the voice message,” This means that users can now record their voice message, preview it, and can even change the playback speeds before finally sending it to their contacts. As per the information shared in the new WhatsApp features tracker, a new review button has been added to the chatbox, which will let users review that recording. The feature is under development and WhatsApp plans to release it in a future update on WhatsApp for iOS and Android.