WhatsApp has scrapped its May 15 deadline for users to accept its controversial privacy policy update and said not accepting the terms will not lead to deletion of accounts. WhatsApp had faced severe backlash over user concerns that data was being shared with parent company Facebook. A WhatsApp spokesperson confirmed that no accounts will be deleted on May 15 for not accepting the policy update. According to WhatsApp, the key updates include more information about its service and how it processes user data; how businesses can use Facebook hosted services to store and manage their WhatsApp chats; and how WhatsApp partners with Facebook to offer integrations across the company products.  WhatsApp has insisted that the acceptance of the privacy policy update does not expand its ability to share user data with Facebook.  However, user backlash over WhatsApp’s alleged sharing of user information with Facebook forced the company to postpone the February deadline to May 15. The WhatsApp spokesperson said the company has spent the last few months working to “clear up confusion and misinformation”.   Following the backlash faced by WhatsApp earlier this year, the popularity of rivals like Telegram and Signal surged as users thronged these platforms. If you have already accepted the terms then you’re safe but if not then we guess we’ll wait for the 15th to see what will happen.