The newly introduced animated sticker packs include Rico’s Sweet Life, Playful Piyomaru, Bright Days, Moody Foodies, and Chummy Chum Chums. The animated stickers support is rolling out for WhatsApp for Desktop app as well. The instant messaging app is also rolling out new QR codes which will let you add new contacts by just scanning a QR code, dark mode for web and desktop. Additionally, WhatsApp is making improvements to group video calls and adding status to kaiOS users. WhatsApp took to Twitter to announce the rollout for animated stickers.”While our focus remains on providing a simple, reliable and private way for people to chat with friends and family – we also continue to push forward our product design to make sure WhatsApp remains the most useful way for anyone, anywhere to connect,” The new features are available on  Android v2.20194.16 and WhatsApp for iOS v2.20.70. Once updated, open a chat and head to the Stickers section by clicking on the emoji icon at the bottom of the chat.